Thursday 1 October 2015

Week 4 - Cell Theory

Today, I learn about a new topic on Cell. Actually last week, we had been given a task during Aidiladha holiday to find out about the cell theory, modern cell theory, scientists’ contribution regarding to cells, prokaryote and eukaryote. At first, I was amazed and grateful with all the scientists’ contributions towards the learning of cells especially for Robert Hooke. Once I read that Hooke was only being instructed by the king to discover about the insects but he went beyond. He discovered cell while looking through a slice of cork and described cell as honey combs. He was the first to come out with the word ‘cell’. I wondering that if Hooke did not feel like wanted to observe the cork, will the scientists today can discover the existence of cell? Might be yes, but the world of science can be outdated so much. Basically, I know that cells are divided into prokaryote and eukaryote but I never know that prokaryotic cell like bacteria can be classified into gram positive and gram negative based on their cell wall. Then a big question mark pops up in my mind. What is the need to have different type of bacteria? After searching on the internet, then I found that gram positive and gram negative bacteria is important when determining appropriate treatment for an infection. 

Getting deeper into this topic, I found it is quite hard because we talk about microorganisms. Literally small things and cannot be seen with naked eyes. But after reading through and see some simulations, I become more interested with miniature like cells as they are cute! They have cell wall that give them shape, nucleoid, capsule surround the cell wall that can make them to attach to human teeth causing dental plaque! Yes, most of the time they can be gross more than cute. The new thing about that I learn about prokaryotic cell is, they have endospore, a dormant, tough, non-reproductive structure produced by certain bacteria when starved. For assignment, we have done  a flyer on “Most Wanted Bacteria” that we chose to do about Lactobacillus Casei, a good bacteria that help ingestion. I enjoyed doing the assignment very much because I can draw , colour and decorate the flyer besides getting new knowledge about bacteria. Somehow it is amusing to me when remember that when I was a kid, I used to think that all bacteria are bad. That was so naïve of me back then.

In this week topic, I get to learn a lot of new things including with viruses, viroid and prion. My skeptical mind made me think that viruses are bad creatures that make you terminaly ill but I never know that they are not a living thing! Oh, I have been deceived all this time because I think they are a living thing! Eventually I know that viruses reproduce by two ways; lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle. Next, we learn about prion, an infectious agent that is composed primarily of protein and viroid, small circular RNA molecules without a protein coat. Prion diseases are including mad cow disease, CJD and Alzheimer. Meanwhile viroid, it makes plants sick like potatoes are growing in weird long shape. Honestly, there are really lot of new things and terms I encountered in this topic but it is really interesting. I will make sure to apply what I have learnt in my life and share with many people about it. More people out there need to change their mind that understanding cell is really exciting!
Viroid cause the potatoes different in shape

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