Thursday 3 March 2016



Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

This is my first time learning Microbiology. Before this, I only learn a bit about it in other subjects. When the word ‘Microbiology’ across my mind, I would think about microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa and virus. After going to Microbiology class, I think that microbes are pretty cool, cunning and complex. They are so small that can’t be seen with naked eyes yet they can be pathogens that can destroy big creatures like humans and even worst cause death!!

Sulphide bacteria crop.jpg
Thiomargarita namibiensis
There are a lot of new and incredible things that I learn about microbes. Before this I wouldn’t know about any freaky weird name they have or maybe I know some like E. coli, H. pylori and Salmonella but that is way too common and everyone knows. Now, I know by heart about their names like Thiomargarita namibiensis, Bacillus thuringiensis and D. radiodurans. *clicking tongue* Cool huh? Of course, because Microbiology is not all about E. coli. Interestingly I also learn what is the significance of their names. D. radiodurans named as that because it is resistant to radiation. Bacillus anthracis named after the disease they cause, anthrax.

 In the introduction we also learn about the history. History seems boring but for history of Microbiology I would call it “The Timeline of Golden”. Just imagine if there were no people that curious enough like Louise Pasteur in the past. We might not discover microbial world then all humans will fall for them and they take over the throne of Earth. Alright, let’s not get too far. My point is, Microbiology is crucial, Sparta!

I have fall in love with microbes.

Sincerely from, Izzah

To my love, all microbes around the world.  

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